Finding a “Good” Editor


9) Editing services contract
Does the editor provide one? An editing services contract will spell out the particulars of the service the editor provides, editor and author requirements, scheduled date of editing and timeline, payment details, and protects the author and his/her work.

10) Availability
When is the editor’s next available editing date? How far in advance do you need to book an editing slot with the editor? Will the editor allow you to book an editing slot now for a future date? Will the dates the editor has available fit with your timeline for other book-related tasks and potential publication date?

11) Good “Fit” For You and Your Book
After looking at all the other factors, determine which editors you would like a sample edit from. Once you have obtained a sample edit and quote from your selected editors, review each sample edit and the information gathered about each editor.

When you are deciding which editor you will hire, you want to consider all the above-mentioned factors and ensure the editor is a good “fit” for you and your book. Will the editor meet your requirements for you and your book and provide a professional service and working relationship?

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I wonder what a reasonable range for an editor would be.
Very nice article.

Amor Libris (Kelly Hartigan)

Thank you, Amy. It’s hard to give an estimate on a reasonable range. What one person considers reasonable, another person might consider expensive. As stated above, there are a variety of factors that can affect price. One that isn’t mentioned is the length of the manuscript. Do you have a price range that you would consider reasonable for a manuscript of a particular length?

Good article. This is a lot to think about when picking an editor.

Useful article, editing is a a really tricky business…

You gave excellent coverage to this topic. Your series is very helpful.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Amor Libris (Kelly Hartigan)

Thank you, Arlee. This is my first time participating in the A to Z Challenge. I’m glad to hear that people are finding my posts in this series to be helpful.

You’re right, price should never be a deciding factor in any purchase. It’s all about value.

This is absolutely right. I hate when people assume that we have lower quality, because of lower prices. I love this article. <3