Cyndi Pilcher – Author Interview

Amor Libris: Are there any new authors who have caught your attention?

Cyndi Pilcher.: Gail Carrigar, S.R.Holland, Elle Casey, Madeleine Roux, and Rhoda D’Ettore.

Amor Libris: Can you share the title and blurb of your latest book?

Cyndi Pilcher: My latest published work is Keko and the Lost Bananas, book two in The Woodland Adventures series. It is about a monkey who realizes his bananas have been taken, and he goes on a little adventure through the woods until he finds his missing bananas.

I am currently working on three projects:

  1. The Gem of Krysvaris is a middle grade/young adult fantasy. A novice Earth fairy is prophesied to defeat an elf who was exiled for using dark magic and save her world from falling into darkness.
  2. The Critter Adventures: Animal stories from Cassari. This is a compilation of short stories I am collaborating on with another author, and it follows the adventures of some of the animals and creatures that live in my world of Cassari.
  3. My newest project is a book of short stories taking place in a small village called Llanbriar Crossing. All the creatures in Llanbriar Crossing are anthropomorphic. These are animals that act like humans (e.g., have human characteristics, speak, wear clothing, have jobs, et cetera).

Amor Libris: Who is your favorite character from your latest book, and why?

Cyndi Pilcher: Right now, I don’t have a favorite character from Gem of Krysvaris; however, I really love the main character, Coppershade, and two of her companions, Orchid and Raine. I do not have any favorites from The Critter Adventures, but I have three favorites from the Llanbriar Crossing short stories; those characters are Suzie, the main character, Rebekah Owl, owner of the bookstore, and Bradley Badger, a local author.

Amor Libris: Are any of the characters and/or experiences in your books based upon yourself or someone you know?

Cyndi Pilcher: A couple of the fairies and critters in The Gem of Krysvaris and The Critter Adventures are based on me and my closest friends.

Amor Libris: Can you share with us about what you are working on now or your next project?

Cyndi Pilcher: I am still working on a title for it, but the first story in the collection of anthropomorphic short stories taking place in Llanbriar Crossing is about a young mouse just starting out in journalism for the Llanbriar Review, the village’s newspaper. This story was inspired by a picture my husband found for me to use as a writing prompt one night when I was having a bit of writer’s block. Once I started writing, the words just kept coming, and now my brain is thinking of all kinds of stories with the various characters who have popped up.

Amor Libris: Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?

Cyndi Pilcher: Work hard, don’t give up, and most of all, have fun. Write because you enjoy it and you know in your soul this is what you want to do.

Amor Libris: How can we contact you and find out more about you and your books?

Cyndi Pilcher: For more information on me and my work you can reach me the following ways:

Facebook – Author Cyndi Pilcher
Facebook – Urban Faery Writing
Blog – Cyndi Pilcher
Amazon Author Page

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That’s pretty awesome that you write books for young adults and children. Good luck in coming up with a title for your new project.

Thank you so much Fatima 🙂 I love children, have always wanted to work with them or be a nurse..and since I cannot do either, I figured I can help them by giving them books 🙂 The new project is called Tales of Llanbriar Crossing since it will be a bunch of short stories from that area and characters from that area.

That quote by Gandhi is one of my faves too. What a fantastic interview! Those sound like interesting books.

Good interview and great answers. As an author myself, I could never answer the question of who is my favorite character. My characters are all part of me so I could never choose one over the other. They’re more than just voices in my head, they’re memories and bits and pieces of everyone that has ever made an impression on me. I think most authors would agree on that.

Hi Richard! I totally agree! It is very hard to pick a favorite as I love, or love to hate, all of my characters. Have a great day!

I have a 10 1/2 year-old son that these might be perfect for. I’ll have to have him take a look and see what he thinks. Thanks for sharing.

Awesome! Please let me know what you all think by leaving a review if you could! Thanks~

Great interview! I really enjoyed reading post like this to get to know the author better. I like many quotes by Mahatma Gandhi and this particular one I really like. My favorite is An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.

Thank you! I love that quote as well.

Great interview and fun to read! She sounds like a fascinating woman. I like that quote too – it makes sense to me. I always want to help where i can. Also like her explanation! I’ve always felt independent, but realised recently that you can only help yourself; you know best what you need. Although people can help, only you can solve your problems x

Hi Jodie. Thanks so much for the compliment! I do my best, but that’s really all any of us can do 🙂 Have a wonderful evening!

Such an awesome interview. I would love to read her books.

very interesting interview! it would be nice if there’s a video too!