R. L. Andrew – Author Interview


Amor Libris: Are there any new authors who have caught your attention?

R. L. Andrew.: Almost everybody I know on Facebook! You could select any one of my writer friends, and they are outstanding and amazing. I can’t pick just one.

Amor Libris: Can you share the title and blurb of your latest book?

R. L. Andrew: I am writing my first book at the moment; however, I have several short stories in anthologies. My favourite would have to be the Anything Goes Volume 2 Anthology. I have two different stories in this anthology.

In the first story, Teacups and Tansy, murder and mayhem ensue when Sabine takes her first detective case. What she doesn’t expect is the geriatric Jerry Springer Show. In the second story, The Guardian: When the War was Over, Archangel Gabriel is facing the most difficult situation since existence began. The future of mankind hangs in the balance as he battles with a former friend in a war he isn’t sure is worth it.

Amor Libris: Who is your favorite character from your latest book, and why?

R. L. Andrew: My favourite characters would be Millie and Edna from Teacups and Tansy. They remind me of my best friend and I, in the broadest sense. We are yet to kill anyone, but I loved creating them, and I love the relationship between them.

Amor Libris: Are any of the characters and/or experiences in your books based upon yourself or someone you know?

R. L. Andrew: Yes, almost all of them! They are usually a combination of traits and personalities of a couple of people rather than being taken directly from one person.

Amor Libris: Can you share with us about what you are working on now or your next project?

R. L. Andrew: I am working on my first novel, A Lunatics Guide to Interplanetary Relations. I’m in the revising process and second/third draft stage, still peeling back layers and building structure. I hope to be finished early next year and then will look for a publisher. During that process, I will continue to write and publish short stories and work on the second book.

Amor Libris: Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?

R. L. Andrew: Keep writing and don’t let anything stop you. Where there is a will, there is a way, and with technology the way it is these days, anyone can get out there. But most of all, write for you. Don’t stop learning, and don’t let knock-backs slow you down.

Amor Libris: How can we contact you and find out more about you and your books?

R. L. Andrew:

Amazon Author Page

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